Budweiser wanted to provide a meaningful connection for fans to their favourite pastime and their brand through an innovative campaign that would elevate the greatest moment in hockey: the goal.
Leveraging a technology that has never been used before in a consumer product, the electric imp, Budweiser was able to create a physical, game-synched hockey goal light that goes off every time a fan's favourite city scores.
Average monthly unique visitors to BUDWEISER.CA increased from 13.2K to 451K.
Average monthly "Budweiser" mentions on Twitter increased from 795 to 10.9K.
In the month it launched, the Budweiser Facebook fan base increased by 14.8K and engagement increased by 373%.
Over 54 million earned impressions have already been generated - including accolades from professional hockey players, commentators and fans.
The first release sold out within hours of the Super Bowl launch. A pre-order was opened for May delivery and sold out again within 3 weeks.
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To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.
To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.
To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.